Secret Girlfriend

Production Info

Character: Chad

Created by: Harris Wittels, Jay Rondot, Ross Novie

Directed by: Ross Novie

Written by: David Gross, Greg Lisbe, Harris Wittels

Produced by: Russell Dague, Ross Novie, Jay Rondot, Joanne Toll, Ben Wexler

Cast Members: Derek Miller, Michael Blaiklock, Alexis Krause, Italia Ricci, Sara Fletcher, Andrea de Oliveira

Released date: November 4, 2009

Episode(s) Number: 1.09

Episode(s) Title: You Get An Aquarium Girl

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 30min

The running joke in "Secret Girlfriend" is that the camera is the view of the main charactger -- who never speaks. People turn to him and address him to move the plot along. The view normally cuts so we never hear his reply. Mandy, his psycho girlfriend breaks up with him regularly but then decides for one last sexual encounter so their relationship is in flux. He meets Jessica who seems perfect, but he puts off actually dating her for fear of Mandy's reaction. His two best friends, Phil and Sam, are constantly trying to create the next internet happening and these attempts to film Backyard Wrestling or whatever is the other element of each episodes plot.
Additional Info

Production Photos

Script developed by Never Enough Design